Feature tour

Easy to use

easyCIS is designed with an emphasis on simplicity and intuitivness. I do value your time and I know you want to invest it into application development, not into programs, that you acquired for the very purpose of saving it. easyCIS is easy to install and it's easy to use.

easyCIS supports software projects in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 and newer. For basic use it is not neccessary to write any build scripts opposite to most other products. For advanced use however it is possible to use NAnt or MSBuild scripts. easyCIS is controlled by means of web interface. For easy access to monitoring there is a desktop application running in system tray.

Independent on particular development metodology

Support for continuous integration, night builds, manualy triggered builds, individual build strategies.

Staged builds, build pipelines, monolithic build

Project structure

In easyCIS projects are organized into hierarchy, not just into ordinary list. Typicaly a software product consists of many interlinked libraries which form a dependency tree. If those libraries are being managed as separate projects, it is a good idea to insert their associations to easyCIS as well and by doing so to create the dependency tree for integration. The creation of those associations is very simple and it significantly helps in orientation in projects alone and in designing a build strategy. In addition to this, easyCIS generates a dependency diagram to increase lucidity.

Projects can be put into groups to help in orientation when working on several different projects organized into separate dependency trees. Shared components can (but does not have to) belong into more than one group.

Project having a branches in version control system can have the branch in easyCIS with separate build. Then again those branches form a branch tree that is easy to work with in easyCIS and of course each branch has it's own dependency tree. Rest assured, that creation of branches is as simple as filling out a branch name in dialog box.

Furthermore the visual break-down of projects between main and secondary can be utilized. This way the less important libraries and utilities could be hidden and the main projects of product lines highlighted.

Latest technologies

Git, Mercurial, VS2012, ASP.NET 4.0, xUnit and many more.

Users and groups management

While build automation tools often work best in open environments, easyCIS has features that support access restriction. Individual users and user groups can have rights assigned on all projects in the system or on specific project groups.

Plugin architecture

easyCIS is written as a modular application. Plugin modules may be written to implement version control systems and build tasks.

Automated branches creation for the whole project hierarchy

It is common in software projects to create branches many times in terms of different metodics. easyCIS accomodates those metodics by a function of branching project, optionaly including the whole tree of dependencies. What is possible with only a few mouse clicks, may take up to several hours in systems with manual configuration file editation.

Distributed build

easyCIS architecture allows a distribution of system load onto several computers. Build of a particular project is allways connected with a particular build server. This allows to plan what software to install on which build machine, or to reserve a build machine for each stage in multi staged build.

Disk space management

It is possible to configure a strategy of automated deletion of old and useless data for separate projects or the whole system.

Functions for software testers

For quality assurance teams easyCIS offers functions to work with particular integration results, such as taging and locking the results.


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