User-friendly continuous integration
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easyCIS product changes (8 February 2015)
Fixed: Lots of small fixes
Removed: Setup option for installing website has been removed. Last IIS this option really worked on was IIS 6.
Removed: Cassini web server for self hosting is no longer supported.
Improved: Web site now runs on integrated pipeline.
Added: Support for Visual studio 2012 (22 July 2012)
Added: Better editor (CodeMirror) for NAnt/MSBuild scripts
Fixed: Exception in project creation
Fixed: Project group Everything does not contain new projects
Fixed: Rights evaluation
Fixed: Dashboard auto refresh (
7 May 2012)
Added: Project groups
Added: User groups
Added: Rights management
Added: Project clone feature
Added: build system dashboard
Added: display of project group projects as list, table or tree
Added: build task Send email
Added: build task ASP.NET 4.0 web application
Added: xUnit builder
Added: Git and Mercurial VCS
Added: build task Send email
Added: help pages for VCS
Added: configurable plugin settings for each build server
Improved: New web site in ASP.NET MVC3 Razor
Improved: build tasks and version control systems moved into plugins
Improved: Possibility to uncheck private option for existing projects
Improved: Moved to Entity framework 4.3 with POCO entities and autogenerated CRUD repositories
Improved: moved WCF from autogenerated client proxies to channel factories
Improved: web transformations moved to plugins
Improved: VCS Checkout method is passed with currentRevision argument to explicitly check against this value rather than a value derived from source files.
Improved: deletion of svn.ignored files during checkout
Fixed: Socket errors on internal buildserver - easycis server communication
Fixed: Auth cookie saving. When server is restarted, user no longer needs to reauthenticate
Fixed: race condition in integrate method
Fixed: Exception handling in CreateDatabase.exe
Fixed: blue border on images in IE (
21 August 2011)
Overall: Moved to .NET 4.0
New feature: Branch projects can use build tasks of their parent branches
New feature: Support for Visual Studio 2010 projects
New feature: Support for ASP.NET 4.0 projects
Improved: Packed cassini web server as an installation choice over IIS
Improved: Better validation messages visibility, enlarged selection box for subprojects
Fixed: Setup of db connection string
Fixed: Exception when removing all subprojects from a project (11 Janyary 2010)
New Feature: Charts with different statistics (17 December 2009)
Improved: Copy build task can now copy between any locations not just work and artifact dirs. Including network shares.
Improved:Updated help pages
Fixed: Network share authentication for some cases (17 December 2009)
Fixed: When deleting build artifacts, locking or tagging integration result, build output xml was deleted from database. (6 December 2009)
Improved: installation scripts checks
Fixed: build tasks output encoding (4 December 2009)
New feature: Globally enable/disable integration
Improved: setup updates db schema as necessary
Improved: Displays alert if project or server integration is disabled
Fixed: web session drop on easyCIS server restart (30 November 2009)
New Feature: display build log xml data
Improvement: Use of accordion control for build tasks setup
Improvement: Bigger edit box for custom build scripts
Improvement: Persistent login saved in cookie
Improvement: Auto-refresh of ProjectList page
Fixed: MBuild output encoding handling for non-english languages
Fixed: optional use of file ending in project name specification of VS tasks
Fixed: handling large buildresults (over 512kB) (19 November 2009)
New feature: dependencies diagram for integration results
Fixed: further installation script fixes
Fixed: installation script fixes
Fixed: bug preventing correct version increasing in some cases
Fixed: major bug concerning running build tasks (18 November 2009)
New feature: Menu Integrate changed into 'Force integration' and 'Force integration including dependencies' for better clarity.
Improvement: indentation into integration history side bar on web
easyCIS deployed as shareware (13 October 2009)
Improvement: cisystemweb url to first login readme.txt
Improvement: registration program
Improvement: url to the website
Improvement: program group icon to the registration form in demoversion
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